BMD Construction Junior of the Month: Isaac Family

This month’s BMD Construction South Darwin Rugby Union Club’s Junior profile is on the Isaac brothers – Kevin, Earnest & Chris, aged 12, 13 & 14 respectively.

New to the Rabbits in 2014 these three boys know all about what it requires to be team players as they are from a very close family of nine children where looking after one another is a part of the territory.

Representing the U15 side in both the forward pack and backline, the Isaac brothers all have one thing in common- and that’s plenty of speed. Although relatively new to rugby, coach Billy Burns has been impressed with their adaption so far and is confident they will be a strong trio by season’s end.

Is there a chance of seeing more Isaacs donning the red and green in time to come we ask……you bet- sister Nancy has just signed with the U7s. We welcome the Isaac Family to the Club and look forward to many great rugby action from all our Juniors in 2014.

South Darwin Rugby Union Club prides itself on being a Family club and welcomes all new potentially interested Juniors to contact the Club via details below.


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